Sunday, August 5, 2012

Blog number FOUR: El Niño

Our world is full of mysteries which are still unknown to man. But some of it are being unlocked by Science. One of which is all about our weather and the things associated with it.

We, the people of the Earth are the Scientists. We are responsible for discovering the unknown truth around us. Have you come to a point where you search for these knowledge even more?

One of the things associated with our weather is El Niño. We all know that we have experienced this phenomenon. But do the questions "What is El Niño?" and other related questions crossed your mind? Or if yes, have you answered it?

As a young scientist, I have encountered this word. To supply the missing puzzles in my mind, I carried out some researches and by that, I have learned that El Nino, an abnormal warming of surface ocean waters in the eastern tropical Pacific, is one part of what's called the Southern Oscillation. The Southern Oscillation is the see-saw pattern of reversing surface air pressure between the eastern and western tropical Pacific; when the surface pressure is high in the eastern tropical Pacific it is low in the western tropical Pacific, and vice- versa. Because the ocean warming and pressure reversals are, for the most part, simultaneous, scientists call this phenomenon the El Nino/Southern Oscillation or ENSO for short. South American fisherman have given this phenomenon the name El Niño, which is Spanish for "The Christ Child," because it comes about the time of the celebration of the birth of the Christ Child-Christmas. I also learned that El Niño is one of the main causes of drought which may lead to famine, epidemic, illnesses and can even affect the country's economic status that can be identified by the dry lands in which crops can no longer be planted or other affected industries.

Also, as a young scientist who wants to discover more, I want to know more about things related to El Niño, recent occurrences,  how it is related to global warming, its health and social impacts and ho we can lessen the hazardous effects of it.To make it clear, I want to research more on these things to supply the missing information about these things I have been longing for.

I appreciate the fact that professional scientists were able to discover this phenomena and we are taught about it. Also, I appreciate how our government find ways to lessen its harmful effect which shows how thy care for the humanity.

I can apply my learning and insights about El Niño in making everyone aware of it, so next time it'll happen, I am not the only one who is prepared for it, but also others. I can also apply it in maintaining the safety atmosphere.

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