Newton's Third Law of Motion state that "For every action, there is an equal or opposite reaction". This law may also be applied in other aspects. In simpler words, things come in pairs. My last blog was about El Niño. The cold counterpart of it is La Niña and as a part of the job of a young scientist, I also run researches about it.
To complete the missing link lingering on my mind, I want to know more how La Niña was discovered, how it can affect the mankind especially in their health and other things that are discovered by the scientists which is known by only a few persons.
I would like to research on the possible things or precautions we can apply to prevent massive destruction and catastrophe. If it can be prevented, I would like to know the things we can do to keep ourselves safe as well as the people around us.
I appreciate the fact that not only the scientists but also the ordinary people exert extra effort just to learn or acquire knowledge about the things like this and other associated principles, laws and information.
I can apply my learning and insights about La Niña in the prevention of the occurrence of unwanted events. If not to prevent it, I can apply all my learning and insights in gaining knowledge on the different ways to keep everyone safe and avoid any unwanted accidents. Also, by posting my learning and insights through my own blog site, I can share to others every piece of information I have.